A Mailing List of Free Email Users

Free Email Users are individuals that subscribe to various free email services (Hotmail, Yahoo, etc)at Postal Address

Target one of the largest universes on the Internet- users of free email services. These consumers are taking advantage of free email service as a primary medium for their online communication needs. Free Email Users encompasses a wide range of demographics, one thing is consistent: They know the value of a free email service provider, such as Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail, etc. Free Email Users are responsive to offers that deliver outstanding value. They are great candidates for offers including telecom services, credit card offers, and various media-related offers. Inquire today about a wide range of additional selects, we will be happy to run counts for you and provide outstanding customer service and turnaround time.


80734 GMAIL
6860386 HOTMAIL
6982370 YAHOO


Ethnicity+ $5.00/M
Marital Status+ $5.00/M
Occupation+ $5.00/M

ID Numbers

NextMark ID: 177181
mIn ID: M119205
SRDS ID: 868091-000

List Information

Total Count:14,343,986
Base Price:$100/M
Minimum Purchase:$500

List Types Available

Postal Mail

List Maintenance

New to market11/12/2005
Update frequencyMonthly

Addressing Options

Mailing Labels$10/

Delivery Options

Email Delivery $50/F



NameBen  DeLisle
RoleList Manager
Phone(646) 442-2077
Fax(888) 761-8817

Are you interested in marketing to a specific subset, demographic, or geographic area of this list? Request a count for the segment you are looking for and we will respond promptly and professionally with the count that matches your exact criteria.